NBC 8 Couple Event
Poor Scent, Warm Weather and unexciting hunting marked the entirety of the 8 couple hunting during this fall's Beagle Trials. The winning pack was the Octorara which ran for about 14 minutes on Sunday morning. Nantucket Treweryn hunted on Saturday, we found a rabbit and had a short and unexciting run which covered only 200 yards with several checks and recasts. We reacquired just as time ran out, but called them off to go in for Lunch and the Bench show. Our stallion hound Outlaw 2011, showed quite well in the 15 inch class, he stood perfectly and required no coaxing to display his form. Best of all, the Middletown Valley hound Bluebell, who we bred to Outlaw, won the class in a walk; we hope our puppies, Jingle and Joker, grow to look like their sire and dam.