Nantucket-Treweryn Beagles
2016 Highlights

A three-day event rabbit

Among the apple tree rows at Westwood Orchard

Russ with Joan Barrett, MB of Warrington Foot Beagles
Highlights of the current year
1 | Hounds are going our regularly per the second fixture card of the season.
2 | Gilly, Gatsby, and Gunner are officially entered into the pack and hunting regularly. The H puppies Happy, Hurry, Hermione, and High Test are hunting lightly with the pack at suitable meets.
3 | N-T B continues the Adopt a Highway program and its support of the county's litter control program.
4 | The summer party will be held as usual, and possibly an additional puppy naming party (if the hounds cooperate and we have a litter to name in 2023!)
5 | The annual fundraiser and dinner at the Millwood Club will be held on February 24th, 2023. We hope to generate funds to cover the season.
6 | The Huntsman’s Diary of previous season 2020-2021 was given to subscribers, supporters, landowners. For its cover, Linda Volrath painted a beautiful portrait of Voodoo, one of the finest N-TB hounds. Last season's (2021-2022) diary is being delivered. For its cover, Raymond Utz donated his fine oil painting, Rabbit.
7 | Daily walk-outs continue, weather permitting. Russ welcomes members to join him for the exercise and to learn about the hounds. Call for time and location.
8 | Our joint meets with other packs offer sport in different country and much camaraderie; contact the Masters for information.
9 | Check for updates on N-TB's participation in community events and of course the spring and fall beagle pack trials at the National Beagle Club in Aldie, Virginia.