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Huntsman's Diary

 After Bun Sharp passed, Clayton Bright compiled his notes with enhanced drawings and illustration and produced a lovely hard bound publication, The Treweryn Diaries


In 2011, Russ began tracking numbers, numbers of hounds going out each hunt day, how many hunt days a season, etc. This evolved into a diary of hunting notes by 2014. Russ sent the first diary file to Marianne not knowing about Clayton's publication. She decided Russ's notes needed to be archived to preserve the NTB history and hound information. Thoughts of combining hound information with each season's activity with specific hunt notes led to a diary.  


At the same time, Marianne and Russ were looking for a way to thank long-term supporters who did not hunt but nevertheless had been contributing subscriptions to the pack for many years. The notion of giving an annual diary as a gift to say "thank you" to supporters was born. 


When choosing a design for the diary, Marianne  recalled a booklet printed by the Mellons about their Brick House, with cover art by Cathy Zimmerman. The general design was adapted to keep cost low, with an approach to the cover art that would add support to the NTB. Each year, Marianne asks a different local artist (or NTB supporter) to create a piece for the diary cover and donate it to the organization. The piece is owned by the NTB and used for fundraising; it can be sold if funds are needed, and its image can be used on greeting cards or other promotional materials for the NTB. It has been a fun way to engage and promote local artists who support beagling and foxhunting.


Images of the cover artwork is coming soon. 


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